
Dental Implants for Laredo, TX

Dental implants have taken cosmetic dentistry by storm. They have truly revolutionized people’s lives for the better since their development, and they continue to do so to this day. The process of dental implants doesn’t just happen overnight. It’s a thorough procedure that gives replacement tooth roots to patients with missing teeth caused by tooth decay, gum disease, or an injury. 

Our implants provide a durable foundation for permanent (fixed) or removable replacement teeth that are made to match the natural color of your teeth. Dental implants are comfortable, look like your natural teeth, and allow you to eat the same foods you did before and chew without experiencing any pain.

Dental Implant procedure image

What is A dental implant?

The actual piece that’s implanted is a titanium post that will support the prosthetic. If you’re missing more than one tooth, multiple posts may be necessary to provide the proper support for the dental crown or bridge.

During the procedure, a small incision is made to expose the jawbone. Then, the post is placed within the bone. Once everything is properly implanted, the gums will be stitched up and the recovery process begins. Depending on the number of implants placed, the overall healing process can take anywhere from 3-6 months. The recovery process is crucial for a successful implant, as the jawbone needs time to bond and grow around the post.

Are Dental Implants Beneficial?

Are you looking to gain confidence in your smile once again? If you are missing any teeth and would like to be able to smile and eat again with comfort and confidence, the team at our dental office can help. We install dental implants for the Laredo, TX area. Dental implants are replacement teeth that look and feel just like your own teeth. Implants are installed directly into the gum and typically topped with a false tooth that perfectly blends in with the rest of your teeth, creating a natural look and immediately restoring your smile.

Dental implants have a variety of benefits, including:

Durability: Implants can last many years with the proper care.
A Secure Fit: Dental implants are implanted into the jawbone, becoming a part of you and preventing sliding. This will bring mumbling or slurring of your speech to a minimum.
Economy: Installing an implant prevents the rest of your teeth from shifting to fill the gap, saving you time and money on further orthodontic procedures.
Confidence Boost: Dental implants can help give you your smile back, making you feel better about yourself.
A Natural Look: Implants look and feel like your own teeth, so they will not stand out from the others. 
Dependability: Dental implants have been used for over 40 years and are one of the safest procedures in the dental industry. 


Implants replace missing teeth without involving adjacent teeth. The implant will be anchored into the jaw in order to hold a replacement tooth in place. To find out if you’re a candidate for dental implants, call us today at 956-887-1608. We’ll give you a full list of dental implant advantages and explain to you how the process works in further detail. 

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